machines and equipment videos

Molly Moffett with Rebar Steel Service Center & Custom Fabrication Peddinghaus DG Double Miter Twin Column Heavy Duty Band Saw

Molly Moffett with Rebar

Steel Service Center & Custom Fabrication

Peddinghaus DG Double Miter Twin Column Heavy Duty Band Saw

Peddinghaus PCD 1100/C High Speed Drill Big Steel Delivery Jeffords Steel Yard Aerials

Peddinghaus PCD 1100/C High Speed Drill

Big Steel Delivery

Jeffords Steel Yard Aerials

Moffett Fabri-Punch Plasma Cutter

Moffett M50

Peddinghaus Fabri-Punch

C & G Taurus 2000 Plasma Cutter with Oxy Fuel

Rebar Bender Rebar Shearline Band Saw

CNC Rebar Bender

CNC Rebar Shearline

HYD•MECH Electro/Hydraulic Band Saw - CNC Controlled

Steel Inventory Truck Convoy Horizontal Band Saw

Steel Inventory

Truck Convoy

Horizontal Band Saw

Anglemaster Press Brake Plate Shear

Peddinghaus 623-M Anglemaster

Pacific 230 Ton Press Brake

Plate Shear All Steel 1/2" x 10'

Welding and Cutting Peddinghaus Drill Line Advantage 2 Liberator

Welding and Cutting

Peddinghaus Drill Line Advantage 2

Ocean Liberator / CNC Beam Coping Machine